Welcome to USC, fellow Trojans!

We are incredibly excited to have you join us at USC and are eager to serve as your Student Body President and Vice President for the upcoming school year. College is a tremendous time of self-discovery, excitement, learning, and most importantly, personal development. As a Trojan community, we are all here to support each other through this time and create an amazing experience for everyone.

As your student government, USG and its 150+ members seek to define and improve the undergraduate experience through programming hundreds of events, providing close to $500,000 in grants to students, and advocating for numerous campus and policy changes.  In the past, these efforts have led to the free rideshare “Fryft” program, the creation of a fall break, and the OT100: THRIVE course. Moreover, we aim to improve issues on campus such as mental health and well-being, sustainability, and resource accessibility. From big events like the Welcome Back Concert in August to daily advocacy efforts, USG is here to make your undergraduate experience the best it can be.

To keep up-to-date or to get involved in the organization, we invite you to connect with us on Facebook (USC Undergraduate Student Government), Instagram (@uscusg), and our website (usg.usc.edu)! 

We are here for all students on campus, so please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of USG. A great way to ask questions, express concerns, and provide suggestions is through our online feedback form (usc.usg.edu/listening). Feel free to visit the USG office (TCC 224) Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm, or reach out to us by email: usg@usc.edu, usgpres@usc.edu, and usgvp@usc.edu. 

We look forward to an incredible year of new experiences, growth, and of course, beating the Bruins! 

Fight On!

Trenton Stone and Mahin Tahsin

USG President and Vice President