
See an exhaustive list of resources within and outside USG. 

Student Organizations


EngageSC is USC’s primary online platform to engage in extracurricular events, access student organization information, and apply for USG funding. 



RSO Tool Kit

The RSO Tool Kit is an expansive resource guide for Recognized Student Organizations at USC, compiled by the Undergraduate Student Government.



USG Organization and Student Funding

USG can help sponsor your organization’s event and your academic pursuits! Check out the funding opportunities here. You can also reach out to our various assemblies and committees to become a member organization of USG and receive extra funding for your events

FMS RSO Cost Waiver Fund

USG has partnered with USC Campus Activities, a division of Student Affairs to provide a waiver for student organization event costs from Facilities Management Service (FMS). No more need to spend your membership dues on FMS services, we’ve got you covered! Apply here.